Faces of Parkinson's (#939) 08-12-18

Over the past several months, I have been involved with a project including patients with Parkinson's disease. I used the Olympus OM-D EM5 II to capture these portraits.


PD 007 Rosalie O'Hara.jpg
PD 011 Greg Erwin.jpg
PD 016 John Moore.jpg
PD 020 Fran Leone.jpg
PD 028 Lawrence Ryden.jpg

Parkinson's is usually slowly progressive and has many manifestations: tremor, slow movement, stiffness, balance problems, and many others. Few patients have all symptoms and there is tremendous variation. But as the disease progresses, most patients develop the "Parkinson's mask." The muscles of the face become affected so that facial expression and the smile is diminished.
